Hello everyone, my name is Vasil S.Vasilev and since certain period of time I am acting as a digital artist. 

     To be digital artist nowadays is relatively easy because you don’t need to examine what color would popup after crushing a certain type of soil mixing it together with yolk and blueberries for example like Leonardo Da Vinchy would do eventually. Your canvas is made from tons of pixels and believe me or not your palette is limited to a certain number of colors in common case but you still have 4 294 967 296 different choices for example. Your casual brush is a mouse or in any better case a tablet pencil and technically all you need to practice your creativity is just electricity. Then what’s in common between today's any artistical activity and the 15th century? That’s just a single word - the imagination! No doubt today is much more easy to express yourself, your ideas, to share them between us, to communicate them and of course because of that the exploitation of the imagination is absolutely enormously heavy. And who knows what would produce such pressurized creative power?

     Honestly, I am guilty with the same guilt of this time. I’ve got the same type of logorrhea expressing myself as a 3D generalist creating games, as a Motion Graphic Designer, as a Photographer and after all because that’s not enough I am writing some texts occasionally.  So, please be welcome and see bellow..

    What else? I don’t know. Maybe you would help me?